Thursday, December 3, 2009

Reasons why platform beds make sense for people who love convenience (like me!!):
1: They are perfect for putting your glass of water or late night pistachio cravings without have to reach far.
2: I always have my laptop in bed and there isn't enough room on my nightstand so I always have to bend over really far to carefully place my laptop on the floor before I go to sleep. A platform bed would eliminate this "issue".
3: Nothing ever gets stuck under the bed (ie: slippers, socks, magazines, or undergarments) because the bed is on the floor.
4: If your pillow falls off the bed, it's really easy to pick it up.
Call me lazy, but beds are supposed to be comfortable, convenient, and relaxing.
1: The only downside I could think of is if you have limited body movement and cannot get in and out of a bed extremely close to the ground.
Here is one I love by Ligne Roset. I love the ledges framing the mattress. Perfect for that glass of water, book, or laptop.
The second photo is a couch by Ligne Roset. I love big couches. One of my pet peeves is going to someones home and not having an adequate place to sit. Images via Ligne Roset.

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